Laura Cody
was working in a solicitors office for my second week of work experience. The
firm I was working in was called Sandra McAleer Solicitors, which is located on
Ushers Quay. The Four Courts, the Criminal Courts of Justice, the Distillery
Building and Dolphin House (District Court) are all within walking distance of
the office.
the first two days I was given jobs to help me understand how an office works. This
firm dealt mainly with family law, so I was dealing with people who were go
through a divorce or single parents looking for custody of their children. I
was asked to bind together briefs for the solicitors to take into court with
them, answer a few phone calls and to take trips to the post office
whenever needed! The secretary talked me through everything she was doing and
explained to me how the court system works. The
most challenging task I was
assigned was having to take care of the entire office for a day. The secretary
was out sick and my employer couldn't get anyone on short notice. She asked if
I could step in! I had to answer all the phone calls, deal with clients and run
from the office to the courts delivering briefs! At the beginning of the day I
was nervous about having to answer so many phone calls but I got the hang of it
by the end of the day.
On Wednesday, I got to sit in on a
divorce settlement meeting in the District Court. The solicitor of the office I
was working in was representing a Garda Sargent, alongside a barrister. I got
an insight into how these meetings work and just how many things need to be
sorted out when filing for divorce such as money, children, mortgages and
pensions. Another thing I really enjoyed was being able to sit in on murder
trial in the Criminal Court of Justice. I saw witness statements being given to
the judge and the accused being interrogated on the stand. The courtroom was so
tense! I was also given a tour of
the Four Courts and shown the Law Library, which is where the barristers do all
of their work.
in the office was so welcoming and friendly and my employer even offered me a
summer job! It was a really enjoyable week and I learned so much. It was by far
my favourite of the three weeks.
Addie Sanni 4H

My TY work experience
lasted for three weeks, starting from the 26th of January - 13th of February.
I would say my
favourite week was Week two at St. George's National Primary School. I got
to work with 1st class. It was a wonderful experience and a
life lesson too. It really opened my eyes to see what teachers go through
everyday. This experience improved my attitude in school.
The children were
very well behaved. I got to do some reading with the children and I even taught
one of the boys English! I corrected some of their maths books and some of the
Irish books also.
Although I enjoyed
the Primary School, in my opinion, I still wouldn't take on teaching as a
Overall I had a
fantastic time at the school. I really enjoyed taking charge and developing my
skills as a leader.

My first week of work experience was by far my favourite. I went
to FM104, which is located across from the 3 Arena in the Docklands in Dublin
city. I had been looking forward to this particular week in the radio station
for ages and it's safe to say I wasn't disappointed. As soon as I arrived, I
was welcomed by smiling faces and there was a relaxed, laid-back atmosphere in
the office which was great. This surprised me as it was the opposite to what I
would expect an office to be like. Everyone made me feel very comfortable and
you could tell that they all had a real passion for their job.
Myself and the other TY student researched and wrote 'showbiz'
articles and recorded them in the studio with Killian O'Sullivan, one of the
presenters. This was so much fun as I've always had an interest in journalism
and writing. It was nice to put a face to the voices I hear on the radio every
day too. We also designed and wrote an ad for a client and recorded it in the
studio with the production team. They showed us how they make ads and it was so
interesting to get to see what goes on beside the scenes and meet the brains
behind the radio station.
the technical engineer, showed us how she produces a live show and how the
controls work. I really enjoyed this and it made me realize that I
would be interested in doing this as a job. She suggested how I would go
about getting a job in radio and what to study in college. This was so helpful
as I'm very indecisive and this gave me an idea of what I would like to do
after school.
best part of the whole week was getting to go out on the VW Beetle Bugs with
the 'TGIF' team and deliver free food/drink to businesses. They were so
friendly and made me feel part of the team. It was really enjoyable and would
be an ideal part-time job during college.
I thoroughly enjoyed my week here. I learned about FM104, not only as a radio
station, but as a business, and my time here helped my understanding of this. I
was interested in pursuing a career in radio/media before my week in the radio
station but the great experience I received cemented my interest in this area
of work! I didn't want the week to end and I would definitely recommend all
future TY's to take part in work experience here!
Lubna Arzal
I had three weeks of
work experience at IBM, Touchstone Medical Centre
and Balbriggan
Library. They were all fantastic and such a great
experience. But my
favourite week of all was definately the second
week at Touchstone.
I was overwhelmed
with the friendly welcome from the staff and my
employer was so nice.
I first went to work in reception of Dentistry.
I greeted patients,
took calls, checked them in using the computer
software and brought
them into the Dentists' room. I got to work in
the pharmacy
downstairs, working at the till and helping in storage. I
also got to observe
the dentists and doctors. I sat in the room with
them and observed
their work which was a great experience. I even got
to do practical work
with the dentists by using the suction tool on
real patients. I felt
like a real dentist.
Even all
the monotonous work I had to do was fun! I helped with the cash
counting at the end
of the day and helped with paperwork. I also
helped with shredding
and photocopying. Having lunch with the staff
and dentists was
great because I got loads of advice for choosing my
future career and how
they got to where they were. Having spar downstairs was
also a great plus!
All in all, My
favourite activities were taking calls and being inside
the room with the professionals.
Being able to experience live
appointments from the
doctor/dentists perspective was really useful. I
had an amazing week
and would love to go back.
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