On the 14th of November a group of Loreto girls
participated in the Soroptimist competition. Three of the girls that
participated in the competition on behalf of Loreto were Transition Years;
Manny Choudhry, Mia Doran and Orla Thompson. The competition took place in the
Mansion House. The Soroptimist competition's aim is to inspire action and
create opportunities to transform the lives of women and girls through a global
network of members and international partnerships. Topics specified for the
girls' talks are based on education, environment, economic and social
development, health, human rights and the status of women and international
goodwill and understanding. The girls had close competition against Castleknock
Community College, so well done to everyone for trying their best in the
contest. The girls also received a talk from a Dublin city councillor about
women in politics and the challenges that she has faced in her career so
far due to being a woman.

Mia Doran wrote a fantastic speech about friendship and
volunteering. She based her talk on Dalai Lama's
inspirational quote: "Our prime purpose in life is helping
others and if you can't help them at least don't hurt them" and told
us how this advice can make a real difference to those around us. She
further emphasised the Dublin city councillor's view, as Mia said that the
most popular topic in the public speaking was 'empowering women'. We are glad
that this issue is being dealt with more and more and that young girls get
the chance to express their opinions easily on this topic
through Soroptimist. Mia was also impressed by the atmosphere in
the historic Oak Room in which the competition was held, as it had all of
the coats of arms of the previous lord mayors of Dublin. I heard that the
biscuits served were also very good. Once again, well done Mia.

Manny Choudhry's speech was based on the topic of 'Health and
Environment' with the quote "Building personal resilience: "It is not
the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent that
survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable". Her speech was very
elegant with her touching upon subjects such as global warming and Pakistan. Manny
felt it was a privilege to be able to say her thoughts and feelings on a
subject she is passionate about in the Mansion House. She also said
that it was the fastest six minutes of her life but it was a
wonderful opportunity to have been able to represent Loreto. As Manny won this
round she gets to further represent the school. Some of Manny's personal
thoughts were "Over all I feel like the competition was amazing, public
speaking is a platform where you can express and communicate your thoughts on
topics you're passionate about. It was something I won't forget and it has
helped me grow as a person and in confidence".

Orla Thompson's speech was on the topic of human rights and was based on
the given quote by Paulo Choelo "The world is changed by your examples not
by your opinions". Orla discussed three main points throughout her speech.
She was very passionate and talked about a woman name Eunice Kennedy Shrider
who is the founder of the 'Special Olympics' and how Eunice's example changed
and is continuing to change the worlds views on people with intellectual
disabilities. Orla also talked about Malala Yousafazai and how she is currently
changing the world's backwards thinking towards women with her example. Orla
ended her amazing speech by talking about how nervous she was getting up to
deliver the speech but how she felt it would be her opportunity to set an
example to others who may feel the same way.
The girls did the school very proud and we would like to congratulate
them on behalf of Transition Year.