Wednesday, 29 October 2014

St. Vincent de Paul Fundraiser 24 October

On Friday the 24th of October students from transition year held a chocolate apple sale and pumpkin weighing competition. €575 was raised for the Local Branch of St Vincent De Paul. 


Monday, 13 October 2014

French Play 8 October

Last Wednesday, the 8th of October, a French Theatre Company visited our school. All the TY's who study French attended. The play, ''Le Bureau de Madame Grande chance'', was about three adults who were needed to rob a bank to receive a grand fortune; a banker, a mechanic and a policeman. Each person's job tied in with the plan to rob the Grand Central bank. The room was full of laughter as everyone enjoyed the play. The actors were skilled performers and this helped to give the audience a clear understanding of the plot. Overall, the play was a worth-while experience. It is not often we get a chance to hear French people speak their own language. Moreover, it opened our eyes to new vocabulary and better pronunciation.
Until next time, au revoir!  

Kelly Murphy & Rebecca Hughes Moore

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Photography Course 29-30 September

This week the first group of twelve students took part in a Photography Course with Tim Durham. Firstly, we learned photography techniques and how to use a digital camera to the best of our ability. In groups of two or three, we were let loose around Balbriggan to take photos using our new skills. On Tuesday, Tim showcased his photography in an amazing slideshow, telling us about his travels to beautiful parts of the world that inspired him to take up photography as a profession. Our best shots were chosen and our work from Monday was displayed for the group. It was rewarding to see our own pictures on a big screen and get everyone's feedback! Overall everyone thoroughly enjoyed this course and we gained useful skills and insight that we will apply from now on when taking photos! It was a worth-while experience and we would recommend future fourth year students to give it a go.

Kelly Murphy and Laura Cody





Saturday, 4 October 2014

Musical: "Singing in the Rain"

Video Diary: TY Musical Auditions

Before the first audition:

After the first audition:

 Third audition:

Set Design

Hi! I'm a part of the set design team for our school musical 'Singing in the Rain'. Being part of the set design team means we design sets and scenery that aim to fully immerse the viewer in the production.
Being part of the set design team, you're in charge of setting the scene and atmosphere of the play.
The set design team works with the director and other designers to establish an overall visual concept for theproduction and design the stage environment.

So far we have watched a production of 'Singing in the Rain' that was produced by a Community School in Illinois, United States of America via YouTube.
Here's a link;

Watching this video helped to brainstorm and get ideas for how to set up our stage for the production. Stay tuned for updates on my set design experience.

Moyin Ade 

Production Team

Hi, I'm a part of the TY production team in our school. I decided to put myself forward for the PR team because I enjoy working in a group and have a passion and enthusiasm for media and advertising. I have to organise the tickets and create a brochure for the TY musical. My job in the PR committee is to record all of the sponsorship money we receive. In order to raise money for the TY play we asked shops and companies in Balbriggan if they wanted to place an advertisement in our TY brochure. In addition, we have organised spot prizes to raffle during the TY play.